Monday, March 8, 2010


I really like the coloring in this picture, because of how I emphasized Sydney's hair color. It does make her hair look a little red, but I think that's really cool because her hair looked kind of dull compared to all the white. I wanted to emphasize her purity so I had her wear white and I put her in front of my white curtains, and I actually like the flash, for the most part, because it does really bring out the white. I just wish the whole background could have been whiter. But that might've made it look really flat. So I really like the way this picture turned out.

This is my favorite portrait out of all of them. It really does emphasize her, and not the background, but it still gives it the kiddish feel because of the bright colors. The flash is a little annoying because it makes her look extra pale, but it, again, really emphasizes the colors, and the kid-like feel.

This picture I really like, because it's natural. I was taking the "purity" picture with my sister, Sydney, and my little sister, Emma, was curious and walked in my room, and posed with my sister. I took a couple pictures of them, and it was truly a coincidence that Emma was wearing white, but it worked out great, and I really loved the picture so much, I did hardly anything to it. The flash is kind of harsh on this picture, but I just loved the picture so much that I couldn't do what I did to Sydney's photo, and change the coloring, so I just duplicated the layers and set the opacity at 50%, lightening it a little bit, then did a Gaussian blur, which gave it that "heavenly" feel almost. I really love the way it turned out, minus the flash. :)
This one is one of my best pictures I feel. The picture really keeps your eye moving all over the place in an orderly way, and I really love the colors on this picture. Plus, my brother was being a pain in the butt because it was almost his bedtime and he wasn't smiling a lot; this was one of his good smiling pictures. However, on my camera, his left eye has a red eye, but that didn't show up at all on the computer, which made me happy. I know that there is an obvious flash, but I like it because it draws your eye to his face and his eyes too. I think I could have done a better job with editting his eyes, but thats done and overwith. I still love the picture. :)

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